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There's always so much happening at the TR Site. Use the drop down menu to sort the events, select Museum Tours for regular Site admissions. Tour capacity is limited, though a select quantity of first-come, first-served tickets are available for each of our regularly scheduled guided tours. To ensure a spot on your preferred date and time, advance registrations are strongly recommended and can be made below.

New tour listings will be added each Sunday.

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APR 30 2024
Speaker Nite: How FDR’s ‘Four Freedoms’ Principles Still Apply in our Country and World Today 4.30.2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz will discuss President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech, the genesis for it, what resulted from it, and how the basic principles of the speech still apply today in an ever-growing tumultuous nation and world.